Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Often times in business situations, you may have your own creative ideas that could be helpful for your line of work. This would call for a proposal. A proposal is helpful when you want to your idea to be presented to the head of your office or company. Below is the link to a mock proposal.


Performance Evaluation

In the future, you may be asked to evaluate yourself concerning your performance. The link below leads to a mock performance evaluation.

Performance Eval

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Apologies for the format, the internet does not like Pages or PDF's, so I just took screenshots of the document. This was a final project, a brochure about The Lord of the Flies, by William Golding. The link is provided below.

LOTF Final Brochure


A précis is a close relative to a summary. It's just a more "professional" form of one. A summary for the upper class. Below is a link to a précis over an article about jealousy.


Letter of Complaint

A letter of complaint is not something everyone may need to write, but everyone should know how to compose one. The first paragraph should consist of a bit of information about yourself, and eventually progress to the point of concern, then conclude with a suggestion as to how this problem could be fixed.

Letter of Complaint

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


The links below lead to a numerous amount of journals, including question prompts and responses from the books All Quiet On the Western Front and Lord of the Flies.

Lord of the Flies Journals

All Quiet On the Western Front

Interview Q and A

The link below leads to another Google Doc that has a prompt of possible interview questions, as well as a few helpful tips.

Interview Questions & Tips